Whether you are trying to prevent an injury, have recently been injured, or you have been in pain for years, our expert physical therapists in Jacksonville can help… even if you have tried other forms of treatment.

With our one-on-one treatment approach, we deliver top tier levels of care for each client. We provide a full hour of one-on-one care with a doctor of physical therapy, highly effective hands on techniques, trigger point dry needling and a treatment plan for the whole person for a complete and lasting return to the lifestyle you deserve

You are the top priority at Samson Strength & Performance PT. You will be seen on time and one-on-one with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. You will not be handed off and you will not receive treatment from someone treating multiple people at one time. Your care will be determined by a plan that you and your doctor agree upon and will never be influenced by what an insurance company will pay for. We will never tell you, “Just rest it.” or “Don’t do CrossFit or lift weights.” or “Just stop running.”

You will get the full attention of one of our skilled physical therapists with a passion for lifting and a focus on one thing: getting you back to the active lifestyle you deserve without pain or limitations.